Wednesday Morning Keynotes


Keynote - Think Creatively & Make Better Decisions

Wednesday, November 7: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

While it may not occur to us on a daily basis, there is a widespread cultural tendency toward quick decisions and quick action. This pattern has resulted in many of society’s greatest successes, but even more of its failures. We have begun to reward speed over quality, and the negative effects suffered in both our personal and professional lives are potentially catastrophic. Pontefract proposes a return to balance between the three components of productive thought—dreaming, deciding, and doing—combining creative, critical, and applied thinking. “Open thinking” is a cyclical process in which creativity is encouraged; critiquing leads to better decisions; and thoughtful action delivers positive, sustainable results. Get tips and techniques to use in your organization!


, Founder & CEO, Pontefract Group and Author, Work-Life Bloom, Flat Army & others


Keynote - Accelerating Digital Business Clarity

Wednesday, November 7: 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Hayes surfaces ideas on how the world’s biggest and most innovative companies transform customer and employee experiences. Learn how the best and brightest organizations take a human-first approach to finally meet the transformational promise of Big Data by delivering moments of clarity to employees and customers alike through engaging digital experiences.


, CEO, Lucidworks


Keynote - Becoming an Information-Driven Organization

Wednesday, November 7: 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Becoming information-driven enables key stakeholders within an organization to leverage all available enterprise data and content to gain the best possible understanding of the meaning and insights it carries. Connecting enterprise data along topical lines across all available sources provides people with the collective knowledge and expertise of the organization in context. Parker discusses the challenges preventing data-intensive organizations from becoming “information-driven” and the current state and future possibilities of insight engines.


, Director of Product Marketing, Sinequa

Thursday Morning Keynotes


Keynote - Intra-Preneurship & Learning: Tips & Tools

Thursday, November 8: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

Organizations can use game design techniques to fully engage customers, partners, and employees. Gamification can transform a work culture by cultivating deep emotional connections, high levels of active participation, and longterm relationships. Enterprises can utilize strategy games, simulation games, and role-playing games as a means to teach, drive operational efficiencies, and innovate. Find out how organizations have embraced social collaboration using playful design to reap tremendous value.


, Principal Consultant Trustworthy AI, IBM


Keynote - Semantic AI

Thursday, November 8: 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Semantic enhanced artificial intelligence is based on the fusion of semantic technologies and machine learning. Our leader in the field discusses six core aspects of semantic- enhanced AI, and why semantics should be a fundamental element of any AI strategy. Semantic AI is the next-generation artificial intelligence. Understand how machine learning can help to extend knowledge graphs, and in return, how knowledge graphs can help to improve ML algorithms.


, Founder & CEO, Semantic Web Company Inc.


Keynote - Intelligent Answers: NLP & Machine Learning for Customer & Employee Satisfaction

Thursday, November 8: 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Answers are the key exchange between customer and provider in support, service, and sales, yet that intersection is wrought with friction when information isn’t readily available, context is unknown, and time is of the essence. AI-driven technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and text analytics can help reduce the friction and create more satisfying experiences for both customer and vendor, across any touchpoint, ensuring the most precise answer is delivered every time.


, Director of Customer Engagement, Attivio

Thursday Lunch Keynote


Luncheon & Keynote - AI & the Future of Knowledge

Thursday, November 8: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

AI is on the highest rung of the IT agenda. But how does it support professionals’ needs for insights in decision-making? Mayer looks at text analytics, the particular strand of AI that deals with language, the essential vehicle for professional knowledge. Through examples of its impact in insurance, media and and the sciences, he illustrates “the art of the possible” and how you can make AI part of your knowledge practice’s roadmap.


, CMO, Expert System Enterprise

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